The Ladies

I went to hang out with the lesbian mommies-to-be last night.  I think that might be the official name, but in my head I just call us “preg lez.”  It is fun to be with pregnant lesbians and their just-as-expectant partners.

It was the first time they got to meet my son and partner, since she always has to stay home and watch him.  This time it was at a house blocks away from our own home, so they could come and still make it home close to Cakie’s bed time.

He got a little cranky near the end.  (Perhaps it was the half-dozen cookies he somehow got away with eating?)  So when I asked him to say goodbye to my friends he said, “No!”

Then Ang called me from the front of the building.  Apparently, in the elevator, she had asked him if he had fun.  He replied, “I loooooooooove the ladies!”

When he got off the elevator he said,  “Where are my lady friends?”



Filed under family, LGBT, my hon, my son, Second Trimester

4 responses to “The Ladies

  1. Oh my God, how cute is he!

  2. reproducinggenius

    Oh how lucky you are to have such an adorable little guy! That was too funny.

  3. yes! lady friends. it’s when he starts talking about very special lady friends that you need to worry 🙂

  4. Pingback: Wish You Were Here! « oneofhismoms

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